Force is the most common term in the classical physics or classical mechanics. The type of force that only occurs when the two surfaces are in physical contact is called as a contact force . One of the example of contact force is friction. Friction is considered as an electromagnetic force. This is confusing for most of the people to imagine friction as an electromagnetic force, but it is. There are charged particles on both the surfaces. When there is a motion the forces that are exert by the charged particle on each other opposes the relative motion of both the bodies. This force is called as frictional force. One of the main characteristics of frictional force is that it opposes the relative motion between 2 bodies. For an example - Let A and B be the 2 bodies that are in contact and have relative motion. Suppose A is moving more faster than B. So in this case where the friction will act on both the bodies? Be clear that friction wants to oppose relati...
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