INTRODUCTION What is Quantum mechanics?| Quantum Mechanics is the theory which attempts to explain the behaviour of matter and interaction with energy on the scale of atoms and atomic particles i.e., particles of the size of the order of 1/10¹⁰ metres. Phenomena such as motion of mechanical objects involving distances larger than about 1/10⁶ metres can be explained satisfactorily by laws of classical theoretical physics which is based on the following basic laws : 1) Newton's Laws of motion, 2) Newton's inverse square law of gravitational attraction between two bodies, 3) Coulomb's inverse square law of attraction or repulsion between two electrically charged bodies, 4) The law of force on a moving charge in a magnetic field, i.e., the Lorentz force. However, certain phenomena such as spectral distribution of energy in blackbody radiation, Photoelectric effect etc; and phenomena involving distances of the order o...
Know Physics is all about physics. Here I will share my thoughts on different topics in physics. All in simple language.